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Is it to much to ask for more thunderstorms?

Thunderstorms. For just a few moments when lightning and thunder strike I feel a sense of relief. That sense comes from the feeling of being needed by someone who has grown up too fast.  Chase with all of his independence that he has been pushing for is still our little 20 month old when thunder/lightning are in the area.  For those moments when a storm is occurring he will play at a close distance and run for us begging to be picked up when a loud noise is made from outside.  Those are the moments that make me feel like we still have some time before he is all grown up.

What should my 1st post be about?

Now that I have spent a few days trying to figure out how a blog on works, I will now need to find something to write about.  Do I just want to make this a photo blog with no more than pictures of my little man growing up or would it be better alloted by writing about the entertainment that my son brings.

I think I am going to stick with the old saying of “a picture is worth a thousand words” and make this a photo blog.  I think in the long run it will take less time and be easier to follow.